Kristy Kún
2024 / 2025 Grant Opportunities
Fiber Art Now offers six annual grant opportunities to support artists and organizations. Artists who are addressing challenging issues within underserved communities and diverse cultures are encouraged to apply. Fiber Art Now is a visually rich publication, therefore, preference will be given to applicants who include their website or Instagram links so images related to their application can be viewed. Projects need to be either in progress or recently completed to qualify. Both Fiber Art Now subscribers and nonsubscribers are invited to apply. Grants of $300 are available in each of the categories listed below.
Please note: It is our hope to assist as many artists and organizations as possible. Therefore, we ask that recipients of Fiber Art Now grants wait a minimum of three years before reapplying for another grant.
This grant may be used for operational expenses such as overhead costs, professional development, publicity, and supplies and equipment for fiber-related community and non-profit organizations. It may not be applied to salaries or other personnel costs.
APPLICATION DATES: 2/1-3/15/2025
AWARD: $300

This grant supports special projects developed by artists that benefit the fiber community and/or the public. Funds may be applied to artist stipends, materials, equipment, or programming directly related to the project. Priority will be given to artists who have traditionally been underserved by the grantmaking community and to projects that focus on social equity.
APPLICATION DATES: 4/1-5/15/2025
AWARD: $300

Emerging Artist Grant
This grant is available to artists who have completed a degree program within the last two years or who have started working in fibers within the last five years.
APPLICATION DATES: 5/1-6/15/2025
AWARD: $300

Artists who have yarn bombed a public place or who have plans to yarn bomb a public place are eligible.
APPLICATION DATES: Apply 5/1 – 6/15/25
AWARD: $300

The teacher grant is awarded to educators who bring fiber and textile art into the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to inspire students with hands-on experiences that enrich students’ lives.
APPLICATION DATES: Apply 11/1/24 – 12/15/24
AWARD: $300

Engaging the public with fiber art and sharing the work of our artists with diverse audiences are important core values of Fiber Art Now. This grant supports the creation of temporary or permanent fiber art installations. Funds may be used toward materials, artist stipends, installation costs, or educational programming for the work. Artists must provide documentation of agreement for the work to be installed in a public space or at an institution accessible to the public.
APPLICATION DATES: 12/1/2024-1/15/2025
AWARD: $300

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