Fiber Art Now – Fall 2024

  • 96 pages
  • Printed in the USA

Fall is upon us, and so is the fall issue of Fiber Art Now! It is chock full of exciting art and stories that will truly inspire. Meet an artist whose business model is one to aspire to, as she encourages us to use what we have on hand; another who creates work that considers connections in an unlikely place: the digital world; and still another who blends utilitarianism with artistic expression in her wearable art. Our feature artists both work with intriguing materials and present art that draws you in. The results of our ARTwear call for entry should not be missed. They are surprising and definitely exciting!  

FEATURED ARTISTS: Jacob Hashimoto |
Mimi Jung | Marianne Kemp | Kendall Ross | Jordan Sheridan | Drew Steinbrecher |
Textile Arts Center of Madison |
Carolina Trinker | Radha Weaver |

JURIED ARTISTS: Jesse Aviv | Amy Beeler  | Hannah Buss  | Peter Ciesla | Mara Colecchia | Nicole Dextras | Gitty Duncan |
Cheri Dunnigan | Öznur Enes | Suzanne Faris | Kristen Franyutti | Susan Getchell |
Ania Gilmore and Amy Nguyen |
Omar Gonzalez | Sugandha Gupta |
Luisa Florez Herrán  | Erika Hewston |
Claire Hurley | Dale Jenssen | Scott Jones |
Brielle Killip and Christopher Geissinger |
Kathy Knapp | Bonnie Kuhr | Karelle Levy | Brooks Luby | Tanja Major |
Dorothy McGuinness | Norma Minkowitz |
Elin Noble | Marta Nowak | Marty Ornish | Valerie Radford-Cox | Tshen Shue |
Candace Thomas | Linda Thompson |
Chantal Tichit | Tony Williams | Tingting Xiao | Denise Yaghmourian | YALEIKA |

FEATURED ARTISTS: Jacob Hashimoto | Mimi Jung | Marianne Kemp | Kendall Ross | Jordan Sheridan | Drew Steinbrecher |
Textile Arts Center of Madison | Carolina Trinker | Radha Weaver |

JURIED ARTISTS: Jesse Aviv | Amy Beeler  | Hannah Buss  | Peter Ciesla | Mara Colecchia | Nicole Dextras | Gitty Duncan |
Cheri Dunnigan | Öznur Enes | Suzanne Faris | Kristen Franyutti | Susan Getchell | Ania Gilmore and Amy Nguyen | Omar Gonzalez | Sugandha Gupta | Luisa Florez Herrán  | Erika Hewston | Claire Hurley | Dale Jenssen | Scott Jones |
Brielle Killip and Christopher Geissinger | Kathy Knapp | Bonnie Kuhr | Karelle Levy | Brooks Luby | Tanja Major | Dorothy McGuinness | Norma Minkowitz | Elin Noble | Marta Nowak | Marty Ornish | Valerie Radford-Cox | Tshen Shue | Candace Thomas | Linda Thompson | Chantal Tichit | Tony Williams | Tingting Xiao | Denise Yaghmourian | YALEIKA |

Issue Preview

Featured Artist

Our cover artist Jacob Hashimoto creates colorful, eye-catching artwork with handmade modular components referred to as “kites.” Painting, folding, assembling . . . There are many layers to these works. Individually they are abstract, but together they build colorful landscapes. Learn more about Hashimoto and his artwork in our feature, “Creating Complex Worlds.”

Process Column

The simplicity of the tapestry loom and what could be created with it fascinated artist Mimi Jung. She explored weaving on her own and discovered her own methods, resulting in carefully planned, one-of-a-kind artworks. Learn more in our Process column.

Business Column

Radha Weaver’s time in the apparel industry and its sometimes “reckless” methods drove Weaver to establish a business that guides makers in considering and implementing best practices for sustainability. Learn about her practice and her message in our Business column.

Featured Artist

Our second feature artist Marianne Kemp describes the two parts of her weaving process: the creative side and the technical. Weaving with a variety of nontraditional materials, she is drawn to the spaces between the threads and the possibilities they afford. Read about her process and her unique sculptural wall textiles in our second feature: “Achieving the Perfect Balance.”

Campus Column

As an undergrad, the idea of “coded realities” took root for artist Carolina Trinker. She went on to investigate ways of translating code into a “physical manifestation.” With much textile exploration, animation, and more, she has only just begun this journey. Read more in the Campus column.

ARTwear Exhibition

Last but not least, feast your eyes on the exceptional art-to-wear pieces in our ARTwear exhibition. We are always amazed and fascinated by the ingenuity involved in designing and creating artwork. 

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Dianne Firth

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